A World of Wishes

Each wooden tablet, called an “ema,” has a message of good luck and is signed by a name. This wooden wall enclosure in itself contains thousands of names. Names of visitors from all over the world. Names in Japanese, Chinese, English, Spanish. I find comfort in the fact that I was able to leave behind a name … More A World of Wishes


Some words are so unique to their language that they cannot be translated directly into English. Some feelings are so indescribable that they cannot be expressed in a single word. Komorebi is a Japanese word that describes the way sunlight manages to perfectly filter through the leaves of trees.


Stagnant and unmoving. Two words that describe both the water in the pictures above and certain moments that persist in my adolescent existence. … More Stagnant

Mirrors and Reflections in Japan

From the week I spent in Japan in August, I’ve learned so much about Japanese culture. I admire the fact that their culture is embedded into their everyday lifestyles. The fact that the Japanese are respectful and neat is reflected in their spotless streets and tidy public areas. Japanese gardens are groomed to perfection and just everything about them … More Mirrors and Reflections in Japan


Fun comes in many different shapes and sizes. From left to right: an outdoor summer orchestra concert in Boston, a board game night at a friends house, a spontaneous balloon popping game after a picnic in the park. Photo challenge